Here's everything you need to know about Depression

To be depressed is not being sad, it is more than that. A feeling of lifelessness, emptiness, agressiveness and restlessness is actually ehat depression is.

1 Reasons for depression 

Some traumatic events in life like divorce of parents or death of loved ones are a reson for being depressed. Other reasons could be academic stress, unrealistic expectations, abused and neglected and romantic problems like breakups or unrepaid affection.

2 How to recognise symptoms 

People habituated to extensive usage of alcohol and drugs are more prone to be depresed. Other symptoms to recognise a depressed person are peolpe with low self-esteem, sadness and hopelessness who spend more time alone. People who talk about death and suicide are also at risk.

3 How to help the depressed people

It is our moral duty to help the depressed and bring a ray of hope in their lives. Our little steps can mean a lot to them. We must inspire and motivate such people to avoid alcohol and drugs, adapt a healthy lifestyle and should not try to isolate them. We must know depression is treatable and they to deserve a peaceful life like that of ours.


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